Friday, 28 February 2020

Mice and Magnets. Long and Short

Learning about "Our Community", we have been exploring the work of police officers. We have also been learning about the phonic sound "m" and the concept of size.

 Manning the Police Station

 "m" for mouse and magnets

Long or Short

 Big and Small

Who's the Tallest and shortest?

Honing our cutting skills and celebrating Pancake Tuesday

Thursday, 13 February 2020

L for Love

How appropriate that in the week of love, our focus is the sound of the letter "Ll". The children practiced their cutting skills to make Valentine cards. In Maths we did a review of shapes and added two new shapes to our repertoire - box and ball shapes. The children explored to properties of these 3D shapes and even made some of their own. 
Have a great holiday everyone!

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Term 2 Week 5

We have been learning all about the sound "Kk" and the number 5 this week, as well as the concept of more. We have also been learning to appreciate alliteration with our digging for treasure activity. 

Karate, kung fu and kick boxing are all martial arts that start with the soung "k"

Kids Cutting kites...It's alliteration!

Which one is more?

School Photo time!